Sofia Kamayianni

for 3 trumpets, trombone, and percussion

ca. 8'30"



"The Steelworkers" was composed in the Autumn of 2012 and was inspired by the nine-month long Greek steelworkers strike that was then underway. This was a historical strike which will be remembered, among other reasons, for taking place at such a unique moment, in Greece being forced to enter the memorandum of understanding that bring extreme and inhuman measures into a society that was in a state of shock. In the work I tried to express my feelings and thoughts arising from this major conflict, the individual issues and fluctuations which were to remain with us for such a long time, and the images in my mind of the workers inside the factory. The steelworkers fought throughout all these months with incomparable strength, resistance, self-denial, collectivity and solidarity - with huge costs to their own lives that were to become evident for those who continued to followed the story in the years that followed.


Click here to view the score.

Click here to listen to the piece (YouTube).