Eleanor Hovda


for double-mounted cymbals, bass bows, and friction mallets


I. Centerflow/Trail I

II. Centerflow/Trail II

III. Lemniscates with Breath

IV. Ecce

V. Montemarte



The Cymbalmusic Series developed out of ensemble music that I've been making since 1972. The various pieces are made for a cymbal soloist who elicits sounds from the metal using bass bows and superball friction mallets. The cymbal player also uses voice sounds, such as whistles, hums, and vowel/consonant "breath" sound shapes as extension and counterpoint to the metal sounds. The player always works collaboratively with the space in which the pieces are performed, and in several of the pieces there are collaborations with dancers and audiences.


Click here to see the score.

Click here to listen to a recording of Centerflow/Trail II by the Prism Players on the Eleanor Hovda Collection CD (Spotify).